Engaging Young Americans In Meaningful Community Action
Welcome to Youthwork Makes the Boothwork! Our site connects you with ways to engage in upcoming elections, and get involved with opportunities for civic engagement in your school, town, county, state and nation. Become an active player in our democracy.
Call to Action, Call to Learn
Youth, teachers, and public officials find below four avenues where you can make a difference in our public life. Each avenue offers a different entry-point for learning and active engagement. Our vision is that you – and, we strongly recommend, your friends and colleagues – will explore the suggestions here for getting involved, that you will find one or two that are fitting for your location and interests, and that you will be inspired to engage in these public issues and decisions.
Four Ways to Engage
Lean In to Public Discussions About Important Issues
Join our Living Conversations project. Get directly involved in efforts in your neighborhood, town, region, and state to grapple with important public challenges such as those faced by boards of select people, city councils, school committees, planning boards, and the like.
Energize Your School or College’s Civic Engagement and Civics Curriculum
Get involved in promoting healthy, well-informed discussion and research on vital public issues at your school or college; including re-shaping the curriculum and teaching approaches to civic education to emphasize more experiential learning
Promote Clear and Accurate Public Information about Important Issues
Get involved in efforts to inform and engage more local citizens in the issues faced by their communities – promote accurate understanding of those issues, and productive public engagement in their resolution; follow through on new strategies.